CHEAP Zhu Zhu Pets available now on Amazon
Thursday, January 14, 2010

Zhu Zhu Pets Update - Over Christmas

Well it's been a while since I've been able to update the site. I was following everything that was going on in the Zhu Zhu Pets world up to Black Friday  (26 November to be precise). However, about then, my day job got really busy and I ran out of time for this site, which is really only a hobby. I now have a little more time, so I'll start following the Zhu Zhu Pets Hamster market again.
A lot has happened since that last post:

Availability Of Zhu Zhu Pets For Black Friday Sales

First, the promised influx of Zhu Zhu Pets in time for the Black Friday sales didn't happen (or was patchy at best). It seems some stores did have some stock, but that sold out quickly, while others had almost none. On the whole you'd have say that there was an increase in stock, but nowhere near enough to satisfy demand.

Cost Of Zhu Zhu Pets Soars

While demand was so high, the price soared. The only place you could buy Zhu Zhu Pets was online at Amazon or eBay. The price was hugely inflated. It was common for one Zhu Zhu Pet Hamster to cost $40 or even up to $70 - compare that with $8 or $9, which is what people expected them to go for. Crazy! A lot of people were grumbling about the price, but some people were still buying them.
The high price of the Zhu Zhu Pets range wasn't doing this site any favours. We do point people to Amazon as a place to buy Zhu Zhu Pets, and we do make a small commission off any sales that are made, but we don't actually sell Zhu Zhu Pets ourselves. We got more money from each sale, but there were less sales going through. I'd rather make commission on 1000 sales at $10 than 100 sales at $50 (you do the math). Not that I was sending that many people to Amazon, but you get the picture.
Then sometime before Christmas, the price of Zhu Zhu Pets began to come down - not quite to the $8 or $9 mark, but to anywhere from $15 to $25. The price has continued to come down and they are now selling at around $8. They're a good deal - go and take a look!

New Zhu Zhu Pets Toys

The other significant thing that happened was that just before Christmas, Cepia released the long awaited new Zhu Zhu Pets hamsters. You can now buy Jilly, Nugget, Scoodles and Winkie. Here are the links to buy them now at Amazon. At the time of writing, the cost varied from $9 to $14 for the new hamsters.

This was obviously very exciting news and I'm sorry that I missed breaking it here, especially as I was one of the first to pick up on the promise of these new Zhu Zhu Pets Hamsters back in October.

The Future

As a result of the falling price, Zhu Zhu Pets dominated the Christmas toy market and are still selling well. Obviously sales will be a lot lower now that the Christmas rush is over, but expect the Zhu Zhu Pets range to be one of the most popular toys for the foreseeable future.